What goes on behind the curtain

 I woke up this morning with a genuine excitement about the day ahead. Today we are going on an adventure with friends.
My girlfriend and I had planned a trip to Melbourne to see the GUT FEELING expo currently on at the Melbourne Museum. Before I left the house I tried to make sure I had thought of everything, you know the usual drinks, snacks, every kid has shoes on and we have an asthma pump on hand.
I also had to think about what could go wrong in our day, so what am I going to need when out and about.  We have some great tools in our box for alleviating some of the challenges that might pop up e.g fidget toys for those moments the kids struggle to sit still when expected, bubbles to encourage better breathing to calm the racing heart (excitement or nerves) just to name a few.
Because it takes me asking the kids a bazillion times “have you got your shoes on?” “Have you filled your drink bottle?” the list goes on, I was starting to feel frustrated and in the yellow/red zone so I turn off the TV to help get their attention and then repeat or maybe yell the words “boys use your whole body to listen” (currently a big part of our therapy and will be for years to come. *insert eye roll here
Most people will be reading this and think this is something that happens to them with there children too but if you have a child on the spectrum it’s ramped up to 11. 
We finally get out of the house and head to the train station to meet our friends.
The train ride went relatively smoothly but towards the end I had to swap seats with Orlando as he was becoming over stimulated and disruptive on the train. 
Next was the tram ride WOW thank goodness we don’t do that often I felt like id been jammed into a sardine can but the kids all handled it really well and actually thought it was quite fun.
We arrived all excited to the Museum and mapped out a plan of what was going to work and planned this with the kids. At different times we hit challenges but with tools under our belt we went without a meltdown. My girlfriend even taught us a new strategy to count e.g how long do you think it will take mum to come back with your food? You count and we will see how long. *insert squeeze hug for my awesome girlfriend. I have seen other people do this with their kids and never thought it would work with Orlando.   
After lunch we hit the Gut feeling show that is currently running over the holidays. The kids got to meet two ladies dressed up as bacteria and enter a huge mouth which travelled the journey throughout their home- the stomach, small and large intestine and out as poop when flushed into the toilet. I bet you can guess the kids favourite part of the journey LOL
It was a really fun day.
Behind the curtain...…...
What I haven’t told you in this story so far is that although it was an awesome day there was a lot of other things going on. I had anxiety when the staff from the gut feeling show asked us if we had our tickets, Um pardon? Not Museum entry tickets but gut feeling show tickets. They then explained the show was sold out.
Even though the lady at the desk sold us Museum entry tickets and told us the show times she hadn’t explained we needed to purchase extra tickets to see the show. What do we do now? Our kids are dressed up as bacteria and ready to enter the mouth? Luckily after some stern words the staff where great and the kids happily went on their journey.
It was like the universe new I was on a break and my phone rang. It was a company we had terminated services with due to lack of performance a month ago, apparently one of their staff was at my front door for an appointment and they wanted to know where I was. It didn’t help that no one had made the appointment with me, I didn’t even know who this person was? I have had multiple conversations with this company as has our support co-ordinator and they just keep calling to ask what’s going on and we just tell them the same story over and over. Such bad communication in the organisation.
The next hurdle during our break was an email I had been waiting for about a stuff up by one of our service providers. I won’t go into it because its long and boring but they had taken money from the wrong line item in our budget and we have no more therapy money due to the stuff up. This has been an ongoing issue for months that they have tried to blame me for. The pressure is on because we have our NDIS review in 2 days.
Its clearly hard enough to navigate being a mother of autistic children without the stress of people not doing there job properly. I completely understand no one is perfect but I’m really struggling with these circumstances. 
How do other people with much bigger issues cope?
How was your first day of school holidays?
Are you or someone you know having similar problems with service providers?
Please share your experience with me.

Thanks for reading
Jess x
