These school holidays I have had an array of emotions, some good and some so embarrassing I am ashamed to admit.
Last week we attended the museum and I watched the kids eye the displays with amazement and even great knowledge of what was on show. We attended the movies (watch out for "Fighting with my family" I didn't check the rating and the boys had lots of questions and LOL rude moments in the film" Mother of the year) *insert High five NOT!
We ventured to Supatramp for some Mum respite and ran into some school mates and the rest of the time we tried for some free fun with park plays and play dates. Dad even took them yabbying on a farm.
If I hear my boys say I'm bored one more time I think my brain will explode FFS I had a stick and a rock when I was a kid and I was well entertained, what is wrong with these kids seriously LOL
I think our biggest issue in the holidays is adjusting to change of routine and also some changes make our son flip his lid quite literally. I'm not sure if it is a hormonal change with age or something else going on but it is unfortunately becoming much more difficult to manage his behaviours and this can go on for hours.
So for the most part I stay the calm in the storm but sometimes it all gets to much and I flip my lid *insert slumped shoulders and look of shame }( I know this is normal and if you are reading this and nodding I know exactly how you feel. Its a time of utter despair but we soldier on because what else can you do. You take a few breaths re-engage your calm and hope that this time you have the strength to wait out the storm.
Mix all of the above with x1 child had nits, x1 child had gastro and couldn't attend respite, an NDIS review, house renovations and I can honestly say I cant stand these school holidays. I'm surprised I still have hair after me pulling most of it out in frustration and the holidays aren't even finished yet *inset ugly cry
My saviour these holidays has been my husband, he has clearly seen my struggle and stepped up and given me some much needed time for self care. What a legend!!!! I have also leaned on my dear friends that have leant an ear when I have needed to vent , I love my tribe <3
I'm sending you all out good vibes for a great Easter and a solid end to the school holidays. I hope yours are going better than mine.
HAPPY EASTER and safe travels
Thanks for reading
Jess xx
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